Unused rooms aren’t getting Heating, Ventilation and A/C and upping our bill.
My spouse and I don’t share a room. That typically shocks people and they guess my wonderful friend and I are about to cut up. The truth is that the two of us don’t sleep well together. He snores and I am a light sleeper. He gets up early and I stay up late. I like to study in bed and he wants to watch TV. The worst is that he enjoys blasting the air conditioner and I want the heater on. It made sense to get two rooms and sleep separately. I have a really sparse room; Just a bed, dresser, and desk. I then stay up late reading, strolling around and can sleep in. The best is running the heating function from my heat pump. My spouse is a pack rat and can barely close his door. He watches TV and then gets up at 5 am. He has the A/C blasting and the overhead fan on. My pal and I can have separate Heating, Ventilation and A/C zones due to owning a heat pump. That is the best feature in my opinion. Having customized heating and cooling settings just keeps the peace. My spouse has A/C and I have heating and nobody is affected. I can blast the A/C when I cook in the dining room but my spouse gets the heater in the living room. Unused rooms aren’t getting Heating, Ventilation and A/C and upping our bill. The system lives longer and produces lower energy bills as a result. There are other benefits to owning a heat pump system, but for me, zone control will typically be the most beautiful factor. Nobody has a set temperature they can agree on, then zone control makes sense.