Last winter, my local section set records for snow accumulation; By the end of the season, the piles of snow were enormous! When a scary thunderstorm and soaring temperatures arrived, there was countywide flooding, but the snow melted, the river overflowed and multiple inches of rain fell, and at the same time, my buddy and I experienced especially high winds that knocked down trees, limbs and power lines.
- The power outages were expansive, then my great friend and I were left separate from electricity for five days.
The food in the refrigerator and freezer spoiled. Without a laboring sump pump, the basement flooded with dirty water. The whole home odored bad and felt overheated. There was an incredible amount of detriment and problems with mold and mildew growth. My great friend and I needed to replace the washer, dryer and water pump and all of the furniture in the basement; During the outage, my buddy and I had no access to lights, internet, running water or any of our appliances. My great friend and I couldn’t run the air conditioner or the dehumidifier. Because of the rain, my buddy and I couldn’t even open the windows to get some relief from the heat. My great friend and I were honestly quite blessed that this power failure happened in the Springtime rather than the winter… Our local section experiences temperatures down to drawback twenty-five degrees. Without a laboring heater, my buddy and I couldn’t stay in the house. We’d be forced to brave dangerous road conditions to check into a hotel. There would be a risk of water pipes cold and bursting. After the last power failure, I had a standby generator installed, then if our electricity goes out, the generator automatically starts up and powers the entire home for as long as necessary. There is no need for refueling because it runs on natural gas.