This past year I have spent a lot of time listening to self-improvement podcasts.
It has been a major goal of mine to improve my mindset, future planning, and relationships.
However, throughout this process I feel like I have learned a lot more about humans, in general. For instance, I have heard time and time again that is the most efficient way to make long-lasting changes in your life is to set long-lasting habits. If you can program your brain to do something automatically, it saves you so much time and energy down the road. When you automatically act a particular way each afternoon, it frees up your mind to consider other concerns. However, on the flip side, this also means that it can be legitimately hard to deprogram your habits, but recently I observed this facts within myself, as it applies to our indoor air temperature control system. My friend and I experienced a normal power outage, during which time our entire neighborhood lost power and my HVAC system was promptly zapped by an electrical surge. My central heating and cooling system was completely fried by the energy, and there was no quick repair to repair the HVAC plan. I knew that I needed to call out a professional HVAC worker to inspect the appliances, but it was going to be many afternoons before my local heating and cooling worker could make it. This entire time, despite realizing that my HVAC system was absolutely broken, I could not stop fiddling with my temperature control every few minutes, but every time I felt uncomfortable in my house, I could not suppress my habitual pattern of diddling the temperature control device.I finally got my HVAC system repaired, and for my next measure of self-improvement, I installed a locked smart temperature control to reduce my habitual temperature control abuse.