For about 25 years I have been venturing up north to visit my Grandma in his cute little retirement community! She’s been living in the same old person’s town this entire time. She genuinely enjoys living there, being surrounded by people his own age and having endless activities to keep his active. She’s genuinely social and I know that it’s an excellent situation for his as he progresses into geriatric territory, when I go to visit, I like to stay with his well enough! It’s quite comfortable in his home, but the spare family room is particularally uncomfortable. For some reason, this space feels unusual than the rest of the house! Literally. It seems like the indoor air temperature controls simply don’t service the spare family room as intensively as the rest of the home, then this back family room constantly feels warmer and much stuff here than everywhere else inside of the house. I have gotten quite accustomed to sleeping in this stagnant indoor air, and I stopped asking my Grandma what was going on with his heating and cooling equipment… Hilariously, a few weeks ago I found out that there genuinely was a reason for this indoor discomfort. As the summer time heat and humidity settled in, my Grandma began complaining a bit about his indoor air quality, my friend and I called out a heating and cooling specialist to examine his Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system, at which time they poked their heads into the air ducts for a quick diagnosis. When they arrived in the spare family room, they found that the air vent was 100% congested with quilting batting. It turns out my Grandma had sealed up that air vent to save money 20 years ago and completely forgotten about it.